Monday 22 September 2014

Post Dietician

I have seen a dietician, at last.

I am allowed to do reintroduction.

It was better in person than on the phone, and yes, I told the lady that to her face. We had a good and frank conversation about why I have gone it alone, just exactly HOW much research I had done to do that, and how my list was only about 2% different to the one she would have given me. I feel like I won something, though I'm not sure exactly what it was. A small amount of (welcome) recognition that sometimes, somewhere along the line, I get things right. Thankyou Miss A.D, I truly appreciate it, and I (honestly do) wish you well in your new endeavours. I hope you're reading this.

Today I am going to cross link to this post:
Because I think I owe this lady at least a coffee and something fodmap friendly the next time I am in London. When I started this journey, and cried out on Twitter, she was one of the few people who knew immediately what I had been put onto. Add to this the fact that she is a slow cooker queen, and you're about there!!

I haven't reintroduced much yet, it takes a good while, to start with, but also had been having some upset from an unknown source as I went to the appointment so wanted to see that calm down before I did anything. To be honest, it's felt pretty scary and though I could have started a few days before, I found I was scared of what might happen. But on Friday I came home and just thought.... "hang it" (or words to that effect) and measured 125g of natural yogurt onto some Doves Farm Cereal Flakes. I did the same on Saturday and Sunday and can't say I've had any symptoms at all to be honest. And it tasted WONDERFUL!!

I did find out some things though, that you do need a dietician for. That is, seeing the fodmaps in their different categories....this also brought about something of a lightbulb moment. Though treated as a fructan, wheat is also a galactan, which includes beans and pulses. This could explain A LOT.

This week I think I am going to experiment with onions or garlic, as that is a huge problem in packed foods, and it would be good to have a definitive answer on that as soon as possible.

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