Monday 22 September 2014

Post Dietician

I have seen a dietician, at last.

I am allowed to do reintroduction.

It was better in person than on the phone, and yes, I told the lady that to her face. We had a good and frank conversation about why I have gone it alone, just exactly HOW much research I had done to do that, and how my list was only about 2% different to the one she would have given me. I feel like I won something, though I'm not sure exactly what it was. A small amount of (welcome) recognition that sometimes, somewhere along the line, I get things right. Thankyou Miss A.D, I truly appreciate it, and I (honestly do) wish you well in your new endeavours. I hope you're reading this.

Today I am going to cross link to this post:
Because I think I owe this lady at least a coffee and something fodmap friendly the next time I am in London. When I started this journey, and cried out on Twitter, she was one of the few people who knew immediately what I had been put onto. Add to this the fact that she is a slow cooker queen, and you're about there!!

I haven't reintroduced much yet, it takes a good while, to start with, but also had been having some upset from an unknown source as I went to the appointment so wanted to see that calm down before I did anything. To be honest, it's felt pretty scary and though I could have started a few days before, I found I was scared of what might happen. But on Friday I came home and just thought.... "hang it" (or words to that effect) and measured 125g of natural yogurt onto some Doves Farm Cereal Flakes. I did the same on Saturday and Sunday and can't say I've had any symptoms at all to be honest. And it tasted WONDERFUL!!

I did find out some things though, that you do need a dietician for. That is, seeing the fodmaps in their different categories....this also brought about something of a lightbulb moment. Though treated as a fructan, wheat is also a galactan, which includes beans and pulses. This could explain A LOT.

This week I think I am going to experiment with onions or garlic, as that is a huge problem in packed foods, and it would be good to have a definitive answer on that as soon as possible.

Monday 1 September 2014

Slow Cooker Sausages

Hello Fodmappers...

Status: Dietician -8 days and counting.

Am currently in the tail end of the worst IBS attack I've had since I started FODMAP. There's a washing machine in there and it's not pleasant. Yellable pain. It's been pretty stressful the last few days, but I can only think I must have slipped somewhere to give me this painful a reaction.

A recipe that worked well:

In our house, we like sausages. A lot. Possibly too much *L* My dd is the queen of meat and sausages are her favourite. This year we grew potatoes, and I had a number that were damaged when we cleared the bed last weekend. I also had a few other bits and pieces, so....

Sausages to suit (I used Sainsburys free from sausages, which I like)
suitable potatoes, cleaned and chopped into chunky bits.
fodmap friendly bottom of the fridge veg (I had a couple of slightly bendy carrots, half a pepper)
suitable stock cube (I just used an ordinary one, to be honest...I was fine, but as usual, YMMV)
Tin of tomatoes
Tin of water (helps to get all the tomatoeyness out of the tin, if you use hot water you can also dissolve the stock cube in this to save on washing up)
Italian Seasoning (Sainsburys own brand does not have garlic in), ground Cumin and a grind or two of black pepper

Set your slow cooker to preheat
place your potatoes into the bottom of it when warmed up (or just dump them in there, that's fine too!)
Brown off your sausages by preferred method. Put on top of the potatoes
prepare your other veg and stick that in as well
Add the tinned tomatoes and the stock/water
Add your seasonings - I have no precise quantities...probably a generous teaspoon of italian seasoning and ....3/4 of a tsp of cumin? You may need to experiment depending on your tolerance.

Mix it together.
Leave to cook on high and smell delicious for a minimum of 3-4 hours, mine was there more like ...5-6.

Eat and enjoy. We definitely did :)