Wednesday 6 August 2014


I'm still waiting to see my dietician.

I am going to vent in a sec, because I am just feeling so frustrated. The reason I've not been posting for a while is simply because real life has been quite crazy since early July. I have started a new job which is currently leaving me very tired, my husband has got a job after three years of unemployment and starts a week on Monday. Sorting out all of this has left me with very little time for anything at all. It's a brilliant reason for chaos, it's just taking me a while sort everything out!!

I've been reading a lot of posts on the UK Fodmap group on Facebook (hello lovelies!) where people are asking about the "right" way to FODMAP and what foods are acceptable. It's a reasonable question given that a lot of doctors are telling people to research this diet and not really backing people up - or not knowing how - or thinking it can be worked out by the patient. I know that Monash is the only definitive source, but my iPod won't take the app without a lot of work (it is old and it's memory is knackered) and since they don't make it for Windows Phone (which does have the memory) I am going to have to make some hard choices very soon. I can't afford to replace my iPod but I have this sneaking feeling that the dietician is going to tell me to get the app because it's the only "right" way of doing things.

What do I do?! Since it's only available for i-device, I either have to delete a LOT of stuff I actually use from my iPod (which is on it's later if not last legs anyway) or do I go without? I don't know what to do! This is such a stupid decision. I am sure it should be simpler than this. I am now so freaked out by a discouraging dietician that I'm worried deeply about getting it wrong. It's going to take me a while earn enough money for an iPad!!

At this point I am only continuing because the fact that I am not writing this on the laptop in the bathroom means I am seeing results from this diet. This is the first summer in YEARS that I have not been freakishly ill from my IBS. I simply MUST have taken something out that has been causing me a problem. I love the NHS dearly, but 4 months waiting to see someone is too long and reflects the continued joke-like quality that IBS is treated with. While obviously not life threatening in the worst sense, it can be very debilatating and also, proves that if "peripheral" services were funded properly, primary care likely wouldn't have to deal with so many difficulties.

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