Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sometimes it's just editing.

It's been another busy weekend in this household. At the weekend we acquired two new godsons: smaller C (we have a larger C as well) and Q, affectionately known as squishy boy (because he is very squishy and funny) and there was a crazy mad barbecue. Except that I kinda forgot that and took a fodmap friendly pasta box to eat instead. My friend asked me if I was going to sit in a corner on my own being sad. I said no, I aimed to make something that looked fabulous so everyone else would want to know what I had!!

No burgers this week (though I could have)

BUT I did make rice pudding.
I love rice pudding.
My DH does not like rice pudding.

A while back my Dad bought me a slow cooker book which had some nice looking desserts in. I have never really made desserts in my slow cooker, but I made a ginger cake for my Mum which she said was delicious. I took heart. The recipe for rice pudding was really simple, basically just rice, milk, and sugar. I switched for lacto free milk and this time, I added ground mixed spice, raisins (I am aware we are not supposed to have too many, but in a portion you would be fine) and mixed peel. I was worried that the peel might make it taste sour, but it had a lovely, hot cross bun type flavour which I was very pleased with. It was consumer tested (and by this I mean, eaten by a non fodmap person) by above friends partner this morning and he pronounced it good. Rice is definitely a compensation in this business, I am discovering. It was lush.

I'm happy when I find a recipe that only needs minimal editing and still works. I have been making a lot of things up as I go along, but sometimes I don't have that kind of energy. (Did I mention I have PCOS as well? this seems to make me tired). Plus it is stoopid hot where I live, and I melt in the heat. 

What's on your fodmap this week?


  1. Hi, watched a Jamie Oliver program the other day and he made fishcakes with prawn and squid with a handful of coriander stalks all whizzed up in the food processor with an egg. He then rolled them in home made breadcrumbs (easy enough to do gluten free). They looked great! Sadly no sweet chilli sauce for me... Good luck with the blog, this fodmap problem has taken over my life and any inspiration is very welcome!

  2. Hi Janet, I've been conversing with you on the UK Fodmap Group. I am still in the elimination phase, so lots of things are still not allowed, plus seafoods don't agree with me. This gives me ideas though...
