Friday 30 May 2014

A word of welcome.

It's a grey morning here in Cambridgeshire this morning but I really need to get this started. The food pictures are backing up and if I don't do it, someone else will steal my idea.

You can call me Bees. I am a Mama, a Wife, an uncomfortable preacher and I believe in homemade, handmade, home and justice. I've also had IBS for a long time, diagnosed in my early 20's and sent away with antispasmodic tablets. They didn't work for me. My journey has been long and (at times) painful. It's not as bad as some, but it could be a lot better.

Earlier on in the year I had some tests at the hospital for a different problem. The doctor kept telling me that my bowel was in spasm. The senior nurse practitioner kept telling her that I had IBS. She sent me back to my GP because she wanted me to be seen by a different clinic but that my GP should discuss with me first. I went to see my GP who replied that she didn't want me to do that. She wanted me to try something else. She printed some information for me and sent me away to do some research about the FODMAP diet.

I climbed a sheer face of learning that will continue for a while yet, I called every friend I know who is gluten free and lives near me for cooking advice. I help a friend with cleaning each week and she is an amazing cook and we spend time trading information.
I've been working on cooking like this for about 6-8 weeks now and with encouragement from friends I am starting this.

Before I continue you should know:
I am using the FODMAP list from because I have not yet seen a dietician. The NHS takes time on that one. I might not be doing this "right" (yet) but at least I'm doing it.
I like slow cookers. A lot. There will be as many slow cooker recipes as I can doctor/invent.
I am not a cook. I am a mom. I fought with food for a LONG time as a child and teenager. I am not perfect. I am just trying to make myself feel better and not spend my summers in the bathroom.
My husband cooks better than me. His recipes will be on here too.
I have a very tight budget. I have to buy lots of stuff piecemeal.

There is fodmap-friendly cake over there, and comfy chairs in the other room. Pull up a seat and rest a wee while.

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